Want to Help Us Decode TikTok?
​We're looking for TikTok users and creators to take part in this groundbreaking study!
Your experiences will help us understand how TikTok’s recommendation system works — and you’ll get a chance to see your own TikTok data in a new way.
Two Ways to Participate
Donate your TikTik Data
Download your activity data from TikTok (we'll show you how!) and share it (anonymously!) with our study. Your data helps us understand how content is recommended over time and across different users. Our process is simple, secure, and rewarding! You can choose how much or how little to share. Plus, as a participant, you’ll get exclusive insights into how TikTok’s algorithm works and how it impacts users and creators like you.
Creator Panel
If you’re a content creator, share your experiences with us about navigating the algorithm and staying visible. Whether you're just starting out or have thousands of followers, your perspective is valuable in understanding how TikTok promotes or limits content reach.